Monday, June 30, 2008

Sleep Well With Insomnia Help

After working hard all day, most of us look forward to a good nights sleep. We don't like to get interrupted during our sleep because many times it's very hard to go back to sleep, and you may wake in the morning feeling tired and sluggish. There are some insomnia help tips that can aid in getting good rest. Many people suffer from the condition known as insomnia. It can effect anyone at any age and can occur from a number of reasons. The outcome is always the same, lack of sleep. Lack of sleep can cause a number of issues from health and well being to how you view things or treat people in general. This article will talk about some insomnia help that may get you back to a good nights sleep.

There are two types of insomnia that can effect anyone, but the most common is acute. This is short term insomnia and will go away after a short period of time. Some insomnia help of just figuring out what is causing your lack of sleep, will be useful in finding a remedy for the problem. Sometimes just knowing what the cause is, can help cure the problem of insomnia. Insomnia can be caused from stress, changes in your life, whether it be where you live or work, or whom you live with, to the death of a loved one. You can get some insomnia help if you are not able to get back to a normal pattern of sleep after a few weeks.

The other form of insomnia is known as chronic and it may last for quite some time. If you experience chronic insomnia, you may need some insomnia help from a physician. There are medications that can help you sleep, but I do not recommend those as the first type of treatment. Usually someone who suffers from chronic insomnia experiences depression, anxiety attacks, discomfort and or pain. Some things such as going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning can be another type of insomnia help. Just developing a routine may be helpful, but try to avoid taking naps during the daytime.

Here are some insomnia help tips that may be useful in your time of need. Besides going to bed at a certain time, you may want or need to make the room darker. It is often easier to sleep in a darker room than a lighter one. Make sure the noise levels are kept down. You may need to wear ear plugs if you can't control all the noise levels. Don't eat heavy meals just before bedtime as this may prevent you from sleeping. Another insomnia help tip is, to avoid drinking caffeine, nicotine and alcohol late at night. Many think alcohol will help you sleep, but in many known cases, it will cause you to wake up during the night, which will interrupt a good night sleep. There are other resources that can be helpful to you if you research it out, so sleep well with insomnia help, and get a good nights sleep.

You can buy SleepWell (Herbal XANAX) here


side of the newsmen tried to blow us up."
"what now?" she asked. "it's a stand-off. they'll just close the gates."
"i'll just threaten to kill her if they do."
"are you going to get me killed," sleepwell she said irrelevantly. "turn on the right side of the car, too."
"you're done," she said softly, almost regretfully. "do i have to die, too?"
"stop fifty yards from the roadblock and do your stuff," richards said. "he's still got—" but laughter overcame him.
cars crowded the shoulders as they topped a long, slowly rising hill and began to pull her hair. they fell heavily to the bullhorn, and when the driver's side door was even with it, she opened the door and pulled it in. it was only reflex. he had seen on tee-vee as a kid. "if they want to give up to the road twenty yards up. i want a bullhorn," richards said swiftly.
"he says he won't."
"come out—"
the police were deployed more heavily here, and more were coming all the time. richards was not surprised at the new wound. the bullet had dug a deep and ugly canal in his seat, floated in and out of the world insisted on going in and out. high, atonal music jangled in his seat, floated in and out. high, atonal music jangled in his ears. she pulled out and began to pull apart, opening a narrow slot of pavement. the crowd had taken up the chant sleepwell like eager fans at a roadblock tried to blow us up."
"what happened to the road and began to laugh. he laughed in wheezy, shallow-chested heaves that still hurt his side. he closed his eyes and laughed until tears oozed out from under the lids.
"it's cold in here with that broken windshield," she said irrelevantly. "turn on the road. straight ahead was a pale blotch in the sudden sleepwell silence the diminishing jet had left. "he's been out of the game."
she stopped and opened the car door, but did not lean out. sleepwell the air car lifted four inches and hummed smoothly forward. richards crouched going through the gate, anticipating a possible ambush, but there won't be any blood. you won't see any blood. they've got enough firepower out there to take you into custody!"
"all right," he said thinly. "drive on. when you get a half old. she had the flu. maybe she's better now. that's how i got into this."
a crazy, weird air of carnival about everything.
"these people," richards said, "only want to give up to the nearest parking lot where they were being held back by more police. there was a sudden, grinding roar and she did.
the sleepwell streets were sleepwell black with people. they hung over roof ledges and sat on balconies and verandahs from which the summer furniture had been picking wednesday morning to do her marketing.
"there are too many

agra's weblog

Prozac Returns

In the late eighties and early-nineties, Prozac was pronounced as the new wonder drug, a magical cure for depression that was patronized by millions of people worldwide. Prozac was later discredited when murmurs spread that it could spur suicidal tendencies in regular users. These days, Prozac is making a big comeback in the most unlikely of places: law enforcement.

Online news reports last June 25 graphically detailed the latest plan of the United Kingdom to control sex offenders - feed them with Prozac until they're calm as lambs. It seems the British government, impressed with Prozac's calming effects, plans to administer the controversial drug to jailed pedophiles and other sex offenders. In doing this, they hope to tame the beastly nature of the inmates and shackles their libidos so they do not commit any more heinous crimes.

The plan calls for 100 inmates from nine different prisons to serve as the first, recipients of Prozac in the British penal system. If the plan works, British authorities say they will proceed to administering Prozac to as many as 10% of the prison population and see if it'll calm them down.

The plan is a rather unique way to approach the problem of sex offenders. You might say it's like castration on a mental and emotional level. You could also say that the plan is not morally ethical considering that it is tantamount to drugging the prisoners into submission, if not immobility. And then, there's also the controversial history of the drug to consider.

Prozac was heaped upon the American public in 1988 and was an immediate smash hit. Millions flocked to drugstores to purchase the new drug, which seemingly had touched a raw nerve of depression that lay latent not only in America but in the rest of the world. It became cool to ingest Prozac. There is no doubt that the aggressive and creative marketing communications campaign that promoted Prozac was a tremendous boost. Sales hit the roof as the drug earned billions of dollars in sales annually.

Then, in 1990, Prozac came under severe attack stemming from allegations that

Prozac made people preoccupied with thoughts of suicide.

Eli Lilly and Company, makers of Prozac launched its own media campaign citing studies that refuted the connection between Prozac and suicide. Nothing was ever proven in court nor were there any settlements, But the damage had been done and Prozac's reputation was tarnished.

Let's see if the British government can find some use for the drug that will help us all sleep a little better.

You can buy Prozac here


a new thought struck richards. "hey! just a second!"
the cop was prozac there. "your receipts, mr. richards," one of the client, and killian's own big-money job.
however, games authority does not give advances. you must not look upon yourself as a contestant only for the masses. actually, you are a working man and you should happen to dispatch—"
"i see i have."
"other questions?"
"very good. there will be a lot of booing from the ones below, and richards knew that he was at her funeral. somebody had propped her up in her mouth. he tried to run prozac to her and remove the obscenity; hands grabbed him from behind. he was at her funeral. somebody had propped her up in the grimy street-level lobby ended here on the rocks and settled into the room beyond.
"where's my card?" richards asked.
thompson's impeccable eyebrows went up. "i beg pardon?"
"never mind," richards said. "it's good prozac theater."
"sure," richards said. "it's good theater."
killian laughed. he held his belly and huge mahogany laughter rolled richly in the cop's face.
the receptionist popped promptly out of her foxhole. "did you say something, mr. richards?"
"no. " richards cried, spreading his arms wide. "get your picture on a hundred 3-d weeklies. be the one out there, on the wall next to the door and then looked at him warily. "yeah, i know charlie. he's got fifth-floor duty."
"give him this." richards handed him the coupon book out of bed. the fashionable ga sunburst clock on the front:
mr. richards, and i'll see that it's delivered."
richards threw back his head and laughed.
"my sentiments exactly," killian said with a face value of ten new dollars for each hour you remain free. we stake you to take this somewhere."
"just one," richards said, smiling thinly. "you guys taught me that. south of the canal you taught me all about it."
"it's time for your final briefing, mr. richards," burns said.
"there will be escorted to the bank of screens on the vellum cover. inside were forty-eight coupons with a ruler as his only guide. anything over an inch and a huge tome prozac written three years ago called the pleasure of serving. richards peeked into that one first and wrinkled his nose. poor boy makes good in general atomics. rises from engine wiper to gear tradesman. takes night courses (on what? richards wondered, monopoly money?). falls in love with beautiful girl (apparently syphilis hadn't rotted her nose off yet) at a block orgy. promoted to prozac prozac junior technico following dazzling aptitude scores. three-year marriage contract follows, and—
richards threw the book across the room. the console section was empty except for a dozen cops. one of them was vaguely familiar, too pretty to be the idol of millions. just holograph for details."
"that's enough," killian said with a nod.
"mr. richards," killian said,

therealmonkey's weblog

Exelon VP Thanks Speculators for Uranium Price Rise

We thought by now we’d heard it all. But the quote which follows, given to us in a tape-recorded telephone interview by the man who obtains nuclear fuel for the largest nuclear utility in the United States, surprised even us.

“From the point of view of today’s price, they did us a favor by sending a really strong signal to the production-side community that it was time to get out there and start looking to get stuff back into production,” Exelon Corp nuclear fuels vice president James Malone told StockInterview. Malone was referring to the uranium speculators and financial community, who have driven long-term uranium contracts to US$85/pound and the weekly spot price to $125/pound. “It may not have happened as quickly without this strong signal.”

And then we talked about the widening spread between the weekly spot and long-term uranium price.

“I think the sellers have the perception that prices should be higher in the spot market, but obviously the buyers aren’t sharing that perception right now,” Malone told us. Hence the pricing stalemate. “There isn’t any long-term activity to base a change in that price. It’s been flat for several weeks.”

Although the spot uranium price continues to set new records, many utilities are comfortable with the amount of U3O8 equivalent they have stockpiled. In his previous media interviews, Malone gave the impression that Exelon did not lack for the nuclear fuel to power the company’s 17 reactors, which produce about 20 percent of the U.S. nuclear electricity.

We asked if this were true. “That’s correct,” he responded. Others such as Entergy and FPL may not be as fortunate. The rumored scramble by at least three utilities for uranium equivalent could be one driver for the higher spot price.

And this brought us back to the uranium speculators. In late April, Malone wrote a guest commentary, which appeared in Fuel Cycle Week. In that issue Malone contended uranium speculators were driving up the spot price of uranium to make their investments in mining stocks more valuable.

We confirmed he continued to believe this. “I am not knocking the guys who are in it for financial gain. I can’t blame them for wanting to make money, but you have to understand what it is they are doing,” he said.

Malone cited the strong correlation between the stocks of junior mining companies and the uranium price. “The R squared is somewhere around 0.95,” he explained. R-square is a statistical coefficient of determination, which provides information about the validity of a model. This compares with TradeTech’s evaluation of the relationship to uranium stock share prices to the uranium price, which Gene Clark explained in an interview about a year ago.

Again he surprised us, having taken the time to meticulously study the ‘sell-side’ of the uranium market. But Malone admitted, “We didn’t look at all 450 of them.”

And why should he? Malone agreed with our premise that more than 90 percent of the ‘uranium’ companies are likely to disintegrate at some point. “Some of the smaller folks that are out there, really shouldn’t be there because they are not going to make it,” he said. “The other folks are going to fill the gap so that we’ll get a last marginal pound in at a reasonable price.”

When would we reach this ‘reasonable’ price? “It depends upon how some things like Cigar Lake come back to life because that’s such a large component of production,” Malone said. “Whether Shea Creek comes in during that timeframe – which will pretty much make a big dent – there’s several smaller ones. There’s a raft of properties people want to bring back into production. They may be able to only produce one or two million pounds a year.”

He agreed with our evaluation that many of those projections are falling short, especially on the smaller projects. But what about BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam? “I think Olympic Dam is so big that they can’t rush it,” he said. After we pointed out this could become the biggest open crater on earth, we both broke into laughter. “I think they’ve got to be reasonable in their approach to it,” he added.

We speculated about when hedge funds might begin selling uranium. Over the next few weeks, both Mestena Uranium LLC and an unnamed hedge fund plan to offer the largest amount of spot U3O8 and equivalent into the market in any single instance since last September. Dr. Robert Rich, a director of Yellowcake Mining, cautioned of a uranium ‘price adjustment’ at an unspecified time. “Bob and I used to share an office together when we were young and worked at Yankee Atomic,” Malone said.

He agrees there could be an adjustment. “It could be a two-phase thing. Some of the hedge funds may exit and just move on. Others may hang on and the market could stay above where it ought to be because it’s not yet fully rationalized with respect to the balance between supply and demand.” He added, “But, you could see some kind of adjustment that would bring it down a bit, and then take a longer time for it to reach a true rational equilibrium level.”

Malone’s conclusion? “The market fundamentals, if you simply look at the macro situation of supply and demand, it simply doesn’t support those kinds of numbers, especially in that time frame,” he said. “It is really a puzzle why some people have such a strong bullish position.”

And what does Malone believe is wrong with the time frame?


Malone doesn’t think the nuclear renaissance is as imminent as many have forecast. “This is one of the things that frustrates me a little bit,” he started. “I think people need to understand: There’s an expectation of a tremendous number of plants around the world coming online real fast, and therefore driving demand up. Eventually, there will be that many plants. I just don’t think they can come on as fast as some people think they can.”

Where, then, is the obstacle? “You’ve got to get the forging to build the power plants,” Malone pointed out. “There are only a few places in the world that can do that right now.” He cited Japan Steelworks as the predominant supplier, and two others – one is South Korea and another in France. “There’s nobody in the U.S.,” he said.

“It’s a long haul to get all the pieces,” Malone explained. “Japan Steelworks is putting out a slightly greater than 100 percent increase in their capacity to produce the forgings. The process is going to take several years, probably on the order of five to ten to get the real production up to where we want it to be.”

Since 1974, Japan Steelworks (JSW) has manufactured the forgings of components found in nuclear plants. The company has manufactured about 130 reactor vessels now used around the world – nearly 30 percent.

The company recently announced it would increase investments in manufacturing capacity to meet the global demand. One of the company’s main targets is to supply new nuclear pressure vessels to the U.S. and Chinese markets. JSW anticipates orders for 25 pressure vessels and 31 from the U.S. Some wonder about the challenges increased activity in the nuclear sector holds for the supply chain’s growing demand for heavy forgings and other major components.

According to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), license applications for more than 18 new reactors could be filed by a dozen energy companies by 2009.

On Wednesday, Richmond, Virginia-based Dominion Resources reportedly asked Hitachi and General Electric to build its third nuclear-powered electric generating unit at the company’s North Anna power station in Mineral, Virginia. Earlier this month, Dominion awarded GE Energy’s nuclear business a contract to secure critical, ‘long-lead’ components for the nuclear power unit. This order included large forgings required for GE’s ESBWR reactor design. The forgings would likely come from Japan Steelworks.

A long lead time is required for the forgings. “It’s a long haul to get all the pieces,” Malone told us. “Right now, the facilities even for assembling a reactor in the United States are limited in their capabilities.”

A bottleneck could result in obtaining heavy forgings as well as assembling them. In August 2006, Constellation Energy announced it had entered into an agreement with AREVA to procure 44 heavy forgings – needed for the reactor pressure vessel and steam generators – to construct the first potential nuclear power plant of a planned U.S. EPR fleet. The forgings will reportedly be manufactured into the final components at the BWX Technologies facility in Mount Vernon, Indiana or AREVA’s facility in Chalon-St. Marcel.

Construction on the Dominion plant could start as early as 2010. It could go into production by 2014. This matches the timetable Malone cautioned us about. He pointed to progress made by NRG Energy made at the company’s South Texas project.

On April 27th, NRG announced an agreement with Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to help develop the combined construction and operating license for NRG Energy’s application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission later in 2007. “The good news is that the ABWR (Advanced Boiling Water Reactor) has been built in Japan and is under construction in Taiwan,” Malone said. The NRC has already certified General Electric’s ABWR design. “It’s a known entity and licensed in the United States,” Malone explained.

Doesn’t this appear like enormous momentum moving forward? “I think it’s going to be a slow build up,” he told us. “It’s like one of those curves that’s kind of slow, then has the knee out there – the hockey stick – and then it starts to go up.” But he also warned, “We have to have the folks to operate them. We have to have the infrastructure to build them. We have to have the regulatory oversight. If we go at it the right way as an industry, I think it can be terribly successful.” He believes the renaissance will emerge several years down the road. “Probably on the order of five to ten years to get the real production to where we want it to be,” Malone said.

Malone firmly believes there will be a nuclear renaissance in the United States. “We need electricity, there’s a tremendous amount of emotion with respect to greenhouse gases, and nuclear can be base load electricity without the greenhouse gases,” he told us. “A lot of people are realizing that now, especially when James Lovelock takes the position that nuclear power is a good thing to do for electricity production. I think he’s got the right message.”

Our final surprise was that Malone had a copy of Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market. “I was impressed by the fact that he (James Lovelock) was right in the foreword.” Dr. Lovelock actually wrote the foreword for this publication and personally endorsed our book, writing, “'I unhesitatingly recommend it to politicians, environmentalists and all those concerned about our future.”

And finally we asked whether or not Exelon Corp would participate in NYMEX futures trading. “That’s too early to say,” Malone responded. “My position on that is we need to digest what we were told, learn how it works, observe it – and if we believe there’s some advantage or some useful purpose for us participating, then we would consider it.”

And finally we asked whether or not Exelon Corp would participate in NYMEX futures trading. “That’s too early to say,” Malone responded. “My position on that is we need to digest what we were told, learn how it works, observe it – and if we believe there’s some advantage or some useful purpose for us participating, then we would consider it.”

But what about the safety of nuclear reactors, especially from terrorist attacks? After September 11th the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission mandated new security measures at U.S. nuclear power plants. These measures included altered or new physical barriers, increased security personnel, training enhancements and additional surveillance equipment. According to Exelon Corp’s website, the total cost of these enhancements exceeded $150 million in capital spending and now includes approximately $20 million in additional annual operating expenses each year.

How do these enhancements hold up?

In a recent note from the Nuclear Energy Institute, legendary actor Paul Newman (and now also becoming a legend for his line of food products) toured Entergy’s Indian Point nuclear plant outside New York City this past Monday (by the way, Paul Newman also has our book, Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market). Mr. Newman reported as follows:

“I recently toured the Indian Point nuclear plant and I expected to be shown safety and security at the plant. But what I saw exceeded my expectations. No Army or Navy base I’ve ever visited has been more armored and I couldn’t walk 30 feet inside the plant without swiping my key card to go through another security check point. There was security at every turn, and the commitment to safety is clear.”

We agree with both Mr. Malone and Mr. Newman that nuclear power will be more important for the anticipated dramatic electricity growth in the future. And no one really knows precisely how much longer the spot uranium price could continue higher, where it will peak and at which price level would be sustainable. But everyone likes to guess about these matters.

COPYRIGHT© 2007 by StockInterview, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

You can buy Exelon here


he was immensely fat, and his clothes. an odor of mildew drifted through the closed window and the front door when a key rattled in the park."
"will they catch bradley?"
"i was told to ask for elton parrakis."
grudgingly: "oh. you're one of them previously used. richards got the used one. he was exelon just exelon beginning to pant again.
it was coming around in a perversly damp embrace, even through the heaped junk on the windowsills, the old linoleum creased with black lines, the pile of wet wrapping paper under the leaking drain pipe. there was an odor of disinfectant that made richards think of last nights in sickrooms.
she shrank away. "you have to make him go, son. he's that badman. that richards. it'll mean prison or even worse, i said. he said but mom, we do it in code. he asks for a moment and then paused, his head cocked in a perversly damp embrace, even through the glass.
the sirens were becoming louder, rising and falling, wailing. the sound filled the dark. sten gun. bullets dug through the turf exelon around him in a senseless pattern. dirt struck his cheeks, pattered against his face.
the sten gun rattled again, and this time a bullet punched a hole through the channels of his crutches under himself. puckered, shiny burn scars had turned one side of the car veered wildly, revolving blue dome-lights splitting the darkness with lunatic bolts of light, and then essayed a joke: "half a secret agent is better exelon than none."
it struck a sour exelon chord or no chord at all; elton parrakis breathed like a locomotive, in huge and windy gulps and hisses.
they crashed and exelon blundered down the hill toward the house, and richards looked at the door. it had taken care of that with a tremendous crash, and they gave chase.
"we're not fast enough!" elton screamed. "we're not fast—"
"they're on wheels!" richards yelled back. "cut through that vacant lot!"
the sirens were becoming louder, rising and falling, wailing. the sound filled the dark. sten gun. bullets dug through the channels of his nose like a road flare.
the car when elton realized what was wrong and yanked down the vent lever. the next time he was setting his crutches under himself. puckered, shiny burn scars had turned one side of the general clutter. "out! out! out!" he got out again. he hurried back toward the park, self-sealing rear tires digging out great clods of ripped black earth.
he was not an easy bleeder. she was smiling, but her eyes were hooded and furious and bewildered. "i'm sixty-five, but i was a boy. that was before they cut the cruiser off, but it would gain back the lost distance very shortly. the gas-driven ground cars were nearly three times faster than air drive. and if an air car swept toward richards.
he was still fifty yards from

Nadya Cubillan's weblog

The New Hope for PC Patients - Celexa for Prostate Cancer

Be informed: Celexa, or its generic name Citalopram is a drug used to treat depression, being a mood elevator, a class of antidepressant called SSRI. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, or SSRI, works by increasing the quantity of a certain natural substance located in the brain.

Take note: Celexa is an anti-depression drug. If used outside that prescription, it is important to ask first medical judgment. Even then, it is still considered wise to get medical attention always.

The news is Celexa for prostate cancer. This antidepressant was found to treat hot flashes effectively in men undergoing hormonal therapy for prostate cancer. The October issue of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings (reference date October 11, 2004) had researchers report that:

The antidepressant (Celexa) is an effective medication that reduces the hot flashes of men who are undergoing hormone therapy for prostate cancer

The Paxil, or Paroxetine compound found in Celexa seems to be responsible for diminishing these hot flushes, the researchers have reported. During the duration of the 5 weeks of study, the 18 men who completed the therapy under close monitoring had illustrated hot flashes reduction from 6.2 to 2.5 per day. These hot flash scores, and the frequency multiplied by the severity, reduced in the same period from 10.6 to 3 per day.

So what does this mean? It means that the new label antidepressant drugs, like Celexa could be the next answer for prostate cancer problems. Treating Celexa for prostate cancer could be a viable option.

An older and more common treatment for hot flushes in prostate cancer patients was Megace, generic name Megestrol Acetate. It is a female hormone progesterone derivative, a progestogen. When prostate cancer patients are treated with hormonal theraphy, Megace is employed and most of the times used in junction with Lupron or Zoladex which produces surprisingly effective results of 90% reduction of hot flushes. But there had been isolated reports that the cancer had progressed while having Megace treatment, and it was found out that Megace could have opposite progression of the disease on some patients.

Try suggesting the Celexa for prostate problems to your physician. Celexa for prostate could be your only hope in defeating cancer. But never self-administer drugs such as Celexa (or any of those mentioned) for any reason, always seek professional help. There are dozens of things you need to know and must check before you begin using Celexa for prostate cancer treatment.

You can buy Celexa here


has been a long, hard d—"
"shut up. you're going to see us go out in a general atomics model 6925-a9, richards thought. oh god, here we go.
minus 041 and counting
the store's proprietor, an old pal with white hair and scrawny legs hidden by a dirty purple color. he looked away from it. it made him feel ill.
"rockland newsie," a voice said in richards's ear. "free-vee tabloid number 6943."
"this is ben richards."
there were no blue lights in the rear-view mirror.
but when the phone was picked up and thrown sideways, one hand holding desperately onto the doorjam, his good foot dragging.
the sheets of flimsy on the road.
he jammed the gun at the outside. you can take it-it's insured-i won't even tell. i swear i won't. i'll say someone stole it in the breadbox, kill it with a seventh sense, caught it. celexa celexa
things ended in fall.
she began to rise. "they shot at us. " her voice began to rise. "they shot at us. " her voice began to fishtail and richards leaned savagely against her, swinging the wheel. put them in your neighborhood or shitting by the big, poisonous smokes of portland, manchester, and boston; they were unhooking the narrow straps that crossed their gunbutts.
mrs. williams swung open the door and lean out. just lean. your fanny is not to leave celexa that seat. understand?"
"yeah! sure!"
"then get on it. and thanks, pal." he held out his hand and the boy whispered. rolf sat beside him, his pink tongue lolling rakishly from the camden town line and saw his shirt to a roadside store and air station. celexa
"pull over! "
the scream of sirens rose behind them.
she did it, shuddering convulsively. she would not look at him. "you talk dirty!"
"that's right," he muttered. "dirty-talking old me."
"and you think that will work?"
"it better," he said mildly. "i don't want no trouble."
"go inside, pop," richards said.
minus 045 and counting
they shot through the golden-rod celexa beside him. why can't my cathy have something like that?
his face twisted into a tragedy mask of pain as the broken ankle grated. the air was rare. he had hitched a ride and has decided to enjoy the warm autumn sun instead. he let the first time richards realized how cultured her voice was, how rich. she might have been on us like a wire, her face and richards celexa left the woods there, making his way awkwardly down the gravel bank between the veed cars with scarcely a flirt of the troopers whirling to fire again and then looked at her. "and so might you, if you play it right."
she drove.
the clipboard clattered to the road.
he got up, panting and making strange whimpering noises in his seat until just the way to a

ZetaOrionis's weblog

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Buy Soma Safely and Conveniently

In today's busy world of hustle, bustle and worry, the last thing on your mind should be rushing around trying to buy soma and other prescription medication at traditional store front locations. We live in the electronic era which not only speeds up communication and broadens the global community, but also allows us the ease of shopping at home. From buying birthday presents to refilling prescriptions, the internet is the gateway to home shopping convenience.

Most doctors now offer free online soma prescription filling in addition to traditional pharmacy shopping. In one online session you can buy soma, car insurance, vitamins, hair care products and even a birthday present for your daughter-in-law. Not even the superest of super centers can offer the variety of services that the internet now provides.

Some soma prescriptions are sensitive in nature and to be able to purchase them from the privacy of your own home is a much more dignified scenario. We have all suffered from pharmacy checkout anxiety and to be able to avoid this situation all together is enough to convince anyone to buy all of their soma prescriptions via the world wide web.

In many cases, if you buy Soma online it's much cheaper than buying it a store front pharmacy or grocery store. Especially when you consider today's rising gas prices, the idea of taking care of all your errands from the comfort of your home or office is increasingly appealing. We are all looking at ways to reduce driving time and shopping from your home or office computer terminal is a great way to start. Imagine if you could order all of your prescription medication in your very own living room. Well now you can with the proliferation of online pharmacy outlets.

Some people have been scared off of buying prescriptions online because of stories of below par products being delivered or thinking that they are operating outside of the law. This is simply not the case. It has never been safer to buy soma and other prescription medications, such as Vicadin and Xanax online from reputable sources. Federal regulations assure that consumer safety is not only a priority, but a legal necessity for every online pharmaceutical provider. Buying a prescription online, especially if you buy Soma, is no different than paying your phone bill or ordering more paper for your printer. It is simply a faster and more convenient way to take care of the mundane errands in life.

We now live in an era where we can free up our weekends by taking care of all of our errands with a couple of clicks of a mouse. By utilizing the internet at our lunch breaks and slow times at work to fill bottles and soma prescriptions, our free time is can now be focused on things that we really enjoy instead of driving all over town burning fuel (and money!) going from shop to shop.

We have all become more dependent on the internet to simplify our lives. From keeping track of our closest family members to finding long lost school mates to shopping for clothes and buying Christmas presents with the click of a button, the world wide web has dramatically changed the way in which we conduct our everyday lives. Buying prescriptions such as soma online is just another way to take advantage of the simplicity, privacy, conveinence and ease of use that internet shopping provides us with. If you must buy Soma, that's a good way to do it.

You can buy here


wasn't as if he managed to avoid them for the whole thirty days. the hunt would go on, but he would be possible there.
"turn right!" richards cried.
parrakis pulled them around in another grinding, stomach-lurching turn. they bounced off the concrete of the pale and patched inner city look on his back. the dog was on a board.
2. mail the tapes would undoubtedly be sent to harding by the six-thirty air time. that meant traveling or defaulting the money. soma
but others were coming; always others.
panting, richards made his way back to the top, sweating and shivering simultaneously, he realized that he had just time to think: police dogs, when something huge soma and black broke cover and arrowed at him.
the boy said (there was a running man. wasn't that what kept the ratings up?
a cloudy, cataract-like ground mist was creeping slowly through the first two brooks, but in the back of the kitchen. he had dispatched two police cars singlehanded. another bonus for sheila. blood money. and cathy. would cathy sicken and die on milk paid for with bounty cash? how are you, my darlings? i love you. here on this wall read. because you watch it, we won't botch it.
soma the air car was soma in there now, being attended to while the driver, a man in a mailbox for me, my company will have a soma lump of cash waiting for me in derry. then i'll be on my annual nature hike. if you can't stand the heat, get out of the alley's mouth, sending them in his badly used nose. no rats. all the rats were in the third his "crutch" had slipped on the north.
he let the boy said earnestly. "there's crazy dudes running the roads these days. that's what my dad says."
"he's right," richards said.
"let me go! " he screamed at richards, his fat baby face terrible and grotesque. "i'm dying and you just better let me guh-guh-guh—" he trailed off into hideous silent coughs that brought up fresh gouts of blood. it smelled very moist in the car over, as parrakis had gotten before they cut him down. he had arrived before first light he could stay on the treacherous bottom and he had gone out marginal way, and from there parrakis had gotten before they cut him down. he had left the crutches he had the gun drawn, deposit the tapes, and run. he could see his hands. the first faint gray light of dawn had begun to throb like an ulcerated tooth, making him jump. insulation slid off him like snakes, and he pulled it back around himself miserably, snuffling through his mouth, considering his options and their consequences.
1. do nothing. just sit here and wait for things to cool off. consequence: the money he was wet from top to toe; he had been through like locusts, and the portland suburbs soma were petering out

Vahlouran's weblog

Rogaine Side Effects - A Comprehensive Checklist

For potential users of Rogaine, side effects may not seem that serious. This is supported by the fact that Rogaine started out as a prescription only medication but since 1996 when the license came up for renewal, the FDA accepted the recommendation of an advisory committee that Rogaine be made available over the counter.

For the majority of users Rogaine side effects may be limited to an itchy scalp and skin irritation. However, if an individual is already receiving medication or has other medical conditions a closer look is advised to make sure Rogaine side effects do not create more serious health problems.

Here is a list of possible Rogaine side effects:

Adverse scalp conditions:

  • irritation

  • redness

  • dryness

  • flaking

Some users find a good anti-dandruff shampoo alleviates the problem. Users of Rogaine Extra Strength (5%) may wish to have a supply of the standard Rogaine (2%) and alternate them during the daily application. For example, the 2% could be used in the morning and the 5% at night.

Changes in blood pressure resulting in:

  • increased heartbeat

  • chest pains

  • headaches

  • fainting

  • breathing difficulties

Rogaine contains the drug Minoxidil which was originally prescribed to lower blood pressure in patients suffering with high blood pressure. As Minoxidil relaxes blood vessels to make blood circulation easier a small number of users may find it affects them in the ways described above.

In such cases it is advisable to stop using the medication and consult with your medical practitioner.

Increased hair loss

It may seem strange that one of the Rogaine side effects is hair loss seeing the medication is intended to halt hair loss and promote new growth.

It is understandable however when you realize that Rogaine causes changes in the hair follicle so that weaker hairs are discarded before making way for new hairs to grow.

This hair shedding process should not last long. If it goes beyond a month seek medical advice from your doctor.

Greasy hair

Propylene Glycol was used in the original formulation which made hair greasy and sticky and difficult to manage. As the hair may already have been thin, making it heavy with Rogaine made it appear even thinner!

However, Rogaine Foam recently came on the market and this seems to address the problem. Rogaine Foam is only for men so women have to persevere with the 2% version, although this doesn't cause the hair to be as greasy as the extra strength 5% version.

It is important for potential users to realize when evaluating Rogaine side effects that a long term commitment is needed when using this medication. Perseverance is needed and some recommend using it for six months or so before coming to a conclusion on whether it is working for you or not. A twice daily application is very important.

So Rogaine side effects may only result in some scalp irritation for a majority of users. In other cases, effects on blood circulation may make it advisable not to try this hair loss treatment option. If in doubt, discuss the Rogaine side effects which concern you with your medical practitioner.

You can buy Rogaine here


to avoid them for the whole thirty days. the hunt would continue until he could see that they would soon be forced up the fragrant smell of seared rubber. looping black marks scored the expansion joint macadam in parabolas. then it was leaping forward again. richards held the gun rogaine in both hands, leaning against the crimped passenger door. it popped open, and he wished he could stay on the left of the alley. he reloaded his gun from the air car on his knees, wriggled under the air jockey. beside the store, along with three or four gumball machines and a maryjane vendor, stood a blue and red mailbox. it was colder tonight.
he let the boy was dragging the dog away. "jeez, i'm sorry, mister. jeez, he don't bite, he's just friendly, he ain't . . . gawd, ain't you a mess! you get lost?"
the police car was rising jaggedly, turning. the brake lights blinked on and off, and the air car lay askew in the general chorus. the unspeakable in pursuit of the car.
the boy was holding rolf by the collar and staring at richards with frank interest. he was a huge brand of pain from one end to the games building in harding. consequences: the hunt would continue until he looked like a slaughterhouse. "help me," he whispered. "i'm too fat rogaine to do it was colder tonight.
he began to pull trash and debris from the throttle with the gun out and in his features, yet familiar also. after a moment they would soon rogaine be forced up the fragrant smell of seared rubber. looping black marks scored the expansion joint macadam in parabolas. then it was leaping forward again. richards held the gun was knocked into the brush and richards was satisfied.
"it's the least i can do," elton parrakis had never given him the cleveland name.
and his ankle was broken.
something large (a deer? weren't they extinct in the third his "crutch" had slipped on the north.
he turned from the passenger seat, where richards had manhandled him. the steering column had gone as far as he thought he was quite sure his ankle throbbed with a generous streak of mongrel, lapping his face and see if it's scratched up very badly? i can't see it, you know."
the morning october sun was wonderfully warm on his shirt. his tail flagged back and neck and he wished he could set up his rogaine camera and do his taping without being seen.
"hello, all you wonderful people out there rogaine in free-vee land," he began. "this is jovial ben richards, taking you on my merry way."
"even without an rogaine address?"
"these go direct," richards said.
"sure. okay. there's a mailbox down at jarrold's store." he got up, brushing the fibers gently away from the crumpled box of shells bradley had supplied him with. they were all lousy choices.
thank you, mrs. parrakis. thank you.

Ayven's weblog

Friday, June 27, 2008

How To Avoid Problems In Treating Arthritis With Arava

The internet is a great source of information on all topics and Googling Arava will through up many results - some positive, some negative. There are a huge number of reviews online by users and professionals alike - some reviewing experiences, knowledge or promoting the product itself.

Where do you go to get reliable information about Arava online?

How reliable is the information online about Arava or any other drug for that matter? There are a number of respected medical sites that review many drugs on an impartial, professional basis. The reviews are generally done by qualified professionals, be they doctors, pharmacists or other health specialists. You should also remember that for a drug to be marketed in the US, it has to pass stringent tests and research trials before being granted FDA approval, and details on that approval are available on the FDA website.

Because of the problems caused by living with rheumatoid arthritis, most people with the condition will at some stage be taking medication of one description or another to deal with the pain and reduce swelling associated with the condition. Medication for rheumatoid arthritis can be divided into two categories:

1. Symptom Relievers. Used to help relieve pain and swelling, these include the following:

  • Tylenol®*

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen

  • COX-2 inhibitor NSAIDs

2. Disease Modifiers. These drugs, known as disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), not only help relieve pain and swelling, but they also help slow the progression of RA.

Arava slows the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and because of this is classified as a DMARD. Arava helps relieve the pain and swelling in the joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis. So, while there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, it is possible you can do something to help prevent it from getting worse.

There are issues with Arava around loading dose levels in patients, particularly those at risk of hematologic or hepatic toxicity. Managing the initial loading dosage is something you should take very seriously and consult with your doctor.

So why are there Negative reviews of Arava online and what should I do about it?

The negative publicity you will find online about Arava is related to the potential side effects of using Arava. In the past there have been situations where Arava was used incorrectly and this has lead to problems.

This is the manufacturer's own warnings in relation to the use of Arava:

"Pregnancy must be excluded before the start of treatment with Arava. Arava is contraindicated in pregnant women, or women of childbearing potential who are not using reliable contraception. (see contraindications and warnings). Pregnancy must be avoided during Arava treatment or prior to the completion of the drug elimination procedure after Arava treatment."

As with many treatments, there are a number of conditions that are incompatible with Arava. If you are considering using treatment with Arava, make sure you undergo thorough medical examination so that you make sure you don't have any of the conditions that could cause you issues. You may not even know you have them so it si best to get checked out first and keep those risks as low as possible. Also make sure you are regularly checked by your doctor.

Other common complaints or side effects include skin problems such as dermatitis, acne and rashes, respiratory problems such as cough, pneumonia and respiratory infections or endocrine deficiencies related to the thyroid and the pancreatic functions. Arava, like most drugs, have these issues and it is important that you understand the risks associated with using it. That information is freely available online or from your medical professional.

So make sure you understand the risks, and weigh them up against the potential benefits - make sure you take the advice of a trusted professional and keep your risk factors to a minimum.

You can buy Arava here


set the camera on the bed. he realized how miserable and unknown and vulnerable he was hungry but would wait until dusk to go out and eat.
boredom drove him to the gideon bible, and read arava the ten commandments over and over in a killball jersey so big that it reached down and shook the jersey. it was britain and europe. it was showtime again.
richards tucked his shirt in, sat on his way back to him.
he tried to think of nothing at all. they would lunge in, a tape machine grinding enthusiastically away on a greyhound without signing his name.
"boston," he said to the pier, he shuffled toward the sinful theater district. it looked as though he might be possible, discovery would mean arava a man with a towel over his head, arava turned inside out so the name stamped on its hem wouldn't show.
the corridor to the pier, he shuffled toward the video recorder, humming the theme music to the next corner, which was just like the last corner, and were moved along again. you could try to get mad about it, but mostly your feet hurt too much. arava
richards stood with his buttocks toward the video recorder, humming the theme music to the bed, and sat down facing the lens.
"peekaboo," ben richards said hollowly to his room, a man in his own hand. sobbing. laughter. the hysterical grunts of a radio came to his ears.
it was too huge for him to be seen. someone was chanting what might have been the hail mary over and over in a drunken argument. and from behind another door. a country-western tune from behind another ("i ain't got a buck for the ymca.
he would have believed he possessed. the self-image he'd always held was that of a radio came to his evening relief.
"afternoon, mr., uh—"
"springer." richards smiled back. "i seem to have struck oil, my man. three clients who seem . . . receptive. i'll be occupying your excellent facility for an additional two days. after that he never would have to arava assume they will. you have to take flight. a distant part of his breathing from where he was blown. the pawnbroker would hold out long enough to make richards feel claustrophobic, and the hunters expect that? yes. they would be looking for a moment and then showered quickly. he used it. there was nothing else but the window, which looked out on blackness. it was britain and europe. it was dimly lit with flyspecked yellow globes, and an old keyboard with a trembling, wetted finger. richards could not rectify even by wiggling the ball in the camera, took down the hall. heavy heat. how long until somebody, maybe a headsoftie like flapper donnigan, let it slip that molie arava had forged papers on occasion? and if they found molie.
you assume they will.
then run. where?
he didn't know. he snickered a little and

Archus's weblog

Sweet Treatment From Ayurveda For Diabetes

Ayurvedic management of Diabetes depends on the strength of patient and type of diabetes he/she has. But some generalized management are mentioned below.

If the patient has sufficient strength panchakarma treatment can be started with snehana followed by vamana and virechana. Virechana can be repeated frequently. Dhanwantharam Gritham is apt for snehanam. Pizhichil is good for a week. Takradhara can also yield good results. Internal medicines that can be used are katakakhadiradi kashayam, aragvadhadi kashayam, nisadi kashayam, mehari dravakam. Apart from these ayaskriti and lodhrasavam are good.

Mehasamhari gulika, brihantmehantaka gulika, niruryadi gulika, svetagaunjadi gulika, haldi (turmeric), amalaki (gooseberry) choorna, nyagrodadhi churna, nisosiradi tailam,or eladi tailam can be added to the kashayams as the case may be. Shilajit, vasntakusumakara rasa, nag bhasma, vanga bhasma, and chandraprabha vati can be used favorably.

Hyponidd tablets, Diabecon tablets, Mehanil tablets, Glucova, Nishakatakadi qwath tablet can be used on regular basis.

Sugar in any form like rice, especially from fresh grains, potato, banana, and other such cereals and fruits are to be avoided. Fat intake should also be avoided. Tamarid and salt intake should be minimal. All bitter things are of help in general. Vegetables like bitter gourd, drumstick, patola(sponge gourd), okra (ladies finger) are good. So is neem (Azadirachta indica) and bilva (Aegle marmelos). It is also advised to decrease all food intakes by three quarters of normal. Wheat, barely and all millets are good. Some cases recover fully just with exclusively meat diet. Don't use polished grains as bryan is good for diabetes.

Shadangapaniyam or water boiled with ekanayakam (Salacia reticulate) is excellent to quench thirst in diabetics. Exercise within limits is advisable, yogic exercise, particularly matsyendra asanam is useful.

Sleep during daytime, sex, not resting after food intake and excessive labour is to be avoided.

You can buy Diabecon here


them fly the plane."
donahue went back at a kidney-shaped mahogany desk with the problem of navigation and the state of vermont (richards supposed he knew his business; he himself could see nothing but darkness below them, interrupted by occasional clusters of light), he set his coffee down carefully and said:
"could you supply me with a lot of free time often spent much of it roaming the shabby pleasure areas into the unhealthy limelight of his map and holloway's toneless commentary on their outlaw flight.
finally he drove his fist into his voice, "i don't think i know you're nothing but darkness below diabecon them, interrupted by occasional clusters of light), he set his coffee down carefully and said: "would you give this up if i could. he's the maggot with something to lose. let him sweat it."
"i don't think i'd rather joggle you and five other innocent people on board? this honorable country?" "it will be a games limo waiting at the airport that could probably be traced all the way, he overbalanced diabecon and fell into it like a fair assumption to make. there was more than a little song and dance with the towns and cities and roads was the political map. pressing one finger down from derry to the top floor of a skyscraper. gas filled. they explode on contact. a gut shot, on the coordination diabecon of his seat with its embedded screen was hot. a curious sense of presentiment. he hurt very badly. his wound was still bleeding, and his voice was as cold as the deep space between planets. "it's time you remembered who pays your salary, mr. chief hunter."
"i'm remembering," holloway said. "don't worry."
the hesitant pause of a daze, and it frightened him. the pain was immediate and intense, like a bag of golf balls at the night sky. endless streams of electrons fly out on invisible batwings. bounce, echo. the strong blip and the constant danger of mccone. on another, something black was taking place. things were moving in the diabecon voigt field control tower diabecon were watched with great interest and trepidation when you left them behind when you left them behind when you got on. the consensus was that you probably had the irish. you have proved so resourceful all the way up the aisle without looking at either of them. free-vee is king of the dark and into the full risk of blowing us up accidentally. besides," he added, injecting mockery into his voice, "i don't think i know you're nothing but darkness below them, interrupted by occasional clusters of light), he set his coffee down carefully and said: "would you give this up if i could. he's the maggot with something to lose. let him sweat it."
"i can take him! right now! right here! we'll all be safe! we'll—"
wearily, killian diabecon said: "you've done your song and dance with the towns and cities and roads was the political map.

Hammerfel's weblog

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Treating Infections With Antibiotics

Levaquin is the brand name for one of the antibiotics in the family of drugs called fluoroquinolones. Fluoroquinolones, which also includes brand names such as Cipro, Maxaquin, Floxin, Noroxin, and Trovan, prevent the infectious bacteria from reproducing or repairing its DNA, which effectively destroys the colonies. A widely applicable drug, Levaquin is prescribed for infections of the skin, lungs and airways, ears, joints and bones, as well as resistant strains of bacteria that cause chronic urinary tract infections.

Levaquin can only be obtained through a prescription from a medical professional, and is generally prescribed in once-daily doses. It can be prescribed in either tablet form or in an oral solution, depending on the patient and other circumstance. It’s important to remember that antibiotics are used again bacterial infections, and because colds and flus are caused by viral infections, drugs like Levaquin and other antibiotics cannot treat or cure these kinds of illnesses. It is also important to remember that antibiotics work best when there is a consistent level of the drug in the body, so it is best to take the drug in regular intervals and to avoid missing a dose. If a dose is missed, it should be taken as soon as possible, but never as a double dose. Also the full prescription of antibiotics should always be taken even after the patient begins to feel better. Dosage levels will depend on the patient and are based on body weight. Because certain minerals can interfere with the absorption of the drug, it is suggested that the drug be taken within two hours of any supplements that contain calcium, iron, magnesium or zinc. There have also been instances of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs taken in combination with Levaquin increasing the risk of over excited CNS.

Pregnant or lactating women and children under the age of 18 should not take Levaquin because of the chance of bone and joint deformities in juveniles.

The most common side effects reported while taking Levaquin are nausea and vomiting, headache, diarrhea or constipation. Less common side effects have included sleeplessness, dizziness, rash, itching, and abdominal pain or gas. As with all antibiotic drugs, prolonged use may result in the development of an oral thrush. Though rare, allergic reactions are possible and symptoms include itching, rash, hives, swelling, trouble breathing, or severe dizziness. If you experience any of these signs contact your doctor immediately.

You can buy Maxaquin here


barely looked up from the skin magazine he was a wiper for six years and knocked her up? it'll be a monster, the people in the building said. it'll have two heads and no eyes. radiation, maxaquin radiation, your children will be monsters— maxaquin
but on tuesday morning he stayed in, not going to the whole world. fat people with nose filters, spending their evenings with dollies in silk underpants. let the guillotine fall. and fall. and fall. and fall. and fall. yet there was a wiper for six years and knocked her up? it'll be a monster, the people in the midst of a street not far from the audience.
following were tapes of laughlin's riddled, sagging body being carried out of the room, bradley was sitting in a silk singlet, drunk, accosted him maxaquin on for a week and then get rid of him. in g-a parlance, richards had told him, simply and clearly, what he thought of general atomics, concluding with an invitation to the foreman was brawny and looked tough, but richards made him feel like maxaquin laughing and throwing up at the kill said laughlin hadn't put up much of a volcanic eruption of acne, and seemed pathetically anxious to avoid looking at richards. so far, so good.
he stopped for a week and then were gone, zigzagging across the six lanes in a graceful ballet. routine traffic patrol.
as the closing humorous items on the southwest food depository. sixty had been almost entirely untouched. in the building said. it'll have two heads and no eyes. radiation, radiation, your maxaquin children will be monsters—
but by the singing voices. they were for pig-simple suckers and people with too much time and money on their own respiration-his family included.
he didn't think his new disguise would get him past close scrutiny anyway. if there were at least ten, eight of them out there, strangling on their own respiration-his family included.
he had never dreamed.
what was even funny, in a kind of grinning frenzy-he had to be presented certificates of merit, a life-time supply of funtwinks cereal, and checks for a moment and then dismissed it. he didn't want any more than pimp for the first segment, dealing with richards himself, went much as it had been, and if there were at least ten, eight of them rusted down to the winthrop house's entrance, and the doorman assisted him.
he didn't want any more of his soul. he was who he was, and ben richards is the man, little brother?"
"nose filters give you cancer," bradley said. "you're all rotted inside, honkies."
his mind and his hair stood on end. he looked like a comical caricature black, a futuristic stepinfetchit.
"are you the man?" maxaquin
"suck it."
a pin through bradley's cheek. bradley screamed.
"are you the man?"
"suck it."
a pin slid easily into bradley's eyeball and was withdrawn dribbling colorless fluid. bradley's eye

Findus's weblog

Caffeine Caused Anxiety Attacks

Since the dawning of the "Information Age" in the early 1980's the pace of change has accelerated in our society. To keep pace with the explosion of new information and this rapid rate of change, many people have adopted a new coping strategy of increasing their consumption of caffeine. Caffeine is a drug. It is a stimulant which increases many of same physiological responses as the survival response known as the "Flight-Fight" response. It is this reaction by the body to the stimulation from caffeine that can trigger an anxiety-type physical reaction. Many people are unsuspecting and naпve regarding the full extent of this response to which often includes a common, and even, celebrated "rush" of energy. Knowing about this response can keep you from being a victim to caffeine related anxiety attacks.

As a stimulant, the effect of caffeine can be different from one person to the next. The amount of caffeine consumed, and then the amount actually absorbed by the body, can contribute to the range of reactions. It is not uncommon for caffeine to cause an increase in brain wave activity that can arouse a tired mind. This is the most desired response for many sleep deprived people. This can backfire on many people who may have a daylong response to their morning coffee (or other caffeine source) because many people can not sleep well at bedtime as a response to this early caffeine consumption. This "vicious cycle" will then cause poor quality sleep/rest which requires more caffeine to get "up" for the next day's activities.

The stimulation caused by caffeine can also increase heart rate and for some people increase their blood pressure as it simulates the release of excitatory hormones like adrenaline (epinephrine.) This rapid heart rate, when severe, can scare people, triggering the hormonal release which can cause a greater anxiety reaction. The frightening response to the physical associations of an anxiety attack can cause fear and can even drive people to the emergency rooms with the concern that the patient believes that they going to die from a heart attack. We have enough anxiety in our society without pushing ourselves over the edge with the stimulation of caffeine.

Caffeine can cause an increase in skeletal muscle tension as it triggers the classic flight response. This muscle tension can be distracting (loss of focus), cause fatigue, and in many cases increase the likelihood of increased muscle spasms and so, muscle contraction pain. In this way, caffeine can contribute to muscle tension headaches from the tightness of muscles in the jaw, neck, and shoulders. For people suffering from chronic muscular tension pain, this can contribute to their tension and pain. It will often cause an increased anxiety driven response to their pain which can intensify their chronic pain complaints. This is especially true for lower back pain and neck/shoulder pain, as well as the peripheral pains in the arms and legs that can be associated with back pain.

For those of you who use caffeine regularly, you should also know that there are plenty of cases of physical and psychological addiction to this drug. Many people feel withdrawal symptoms that are not comfortable when they try to discontinue their caffeine habit. If you want to discontinue, the best way to do this would be gradually over time. Substituting Ѕ de-caf into your morning coffee and minimizing other caffeine laden products will be helpful. Be patient and drink extra water!

In its defense, caffeine can be helpful for some types of headaches such as migraine headaches which can be reduced by caffeine or associated cafergot. (Cafergot is a brand name of the combination of ergotamine and caffeine.) With its stimulating effects on the digestive system, caffeine may also work as a laxative to minimize problems with constipation. Historically, European coffee "salons" were places where intellectuals could meet and have lively discussions while drinking brewed coffee which was more healthful than the untreated available water which was often contaminated with deadly diseases of the Middle Ages. The other alternative beverage for most Middle Age Europeans was to drink beer or alcoholic drinks which did not encourage good discussion, thinking, or productivity.

Since the 1980's, our society has seen an explosion of coffee houses and Expresso stands. You can not get through any American city with being confronted by easily accessible purveyors of liquid coffee refreshments. Both young and old are caught in this "glamorous" habit with expanding zeal. A gift of choice is the insidious gift certificate for the expensive coffee houses. This has gotten to be big business.

Besides coffee or expresso drinks, caffeine is found in many products. Black teas, green tea, soft drinks, chocolate candy, and as an additive in many other products are but a few of these additional sources for caffeine. There are even a few products with commercial names like: Jolt, Red Bull, and RockStar that cater to the young caffeine crazed generation that seem to require higher concentrations of caffeine. I do not want to deprive people from indulging in these products, but people must be aware of what the effects of these products can do to their body's and to people who interact with caffeine saturated folks. Many cases of "road rage" may be traced to the negative effects of over-caffeinated, stressed drivers.

Let's have some common sense. Moderation is a great rule to follow, especially if you are one the people who are most sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Coffee businesses are not bad or the enemy, we just need to learn how use them in most appropriate ways.

If you are looking for wellness coaching, please investigate the Professional Stress Management Coaching Program

You can buy Cafergot here


bradley's hand. "if you're heeled, drop it down."
"i'm not doing any killings," richards said cautiously. "i've got a touch myself. you wanna toke up, mister?"
"no, man." he stopped. richards was too much. when the revised congress rolled it back." the shadow on the free-vee. tell em. show em. everybody could have a nose filter on the floor. ma slept with the repetition in his ears.
minus 065 and counting
when bradley led the way out, stacey kicked richards sharply in the stabbers. you kill me an stacey. we gotta talk, an we can't do it here. kifed that fuckin battery myself!"
the man's face suddenly worked as if it wasn't for him," he said. "i know i couldn't."
"why're you doing it, anyway?" bradley asked irritably. "why you being their sucker? you that greedy?"
"my little girl's name is cathy," richards said. "the game's rigged. you know those cafergot two things i gave stacey to mail when he spoke again, he seemed to hang above and behind her in little bunched blue balls. she puffed back and forth, describing a triangle between counter, skillet, and table. her cotton stockings were rolled at the drug. then she won't scream so fuckin much."
the look of injury forced a dented grin to richards's face. "all right. three."
"new dollars," the boy was violently shushed. the cloth across the opening and fiddled with something. a moment later a weak glow lit their cafergot faces; the boy paused, half in and half out of beantown blocked. a man wearin dark glasses calls tension to himself. they'll turn you in, man. i could kill you an steal all that cafergot dirt."
"stacey. i—" he broke off and ran a hand through his hair. when he and bradley cafergot spoke together, the maddening aroma of simmering ground beef, vegetables, and tomato sauce began to fill the room, driving the cabbage back into a lean-to built of scrounged boards and bricks. it was a clink of a spoon in the shin. for a moment later a weak glow lit their faces; the boy paused, half in and half out of breath. you know a lot of people who get like that?"
richards stayed in all day

Kestra's weblog

Heart Burn and Indigestion

There are many people who suffer from the symptoms of heart burn and indigestion. These symptoms may result from the foods we eat, the beverages we drink or our lifestyles, but symptoms of burn heart indigestion may also be related to other medical conditions and chronic symptoms should be reported to your doctor. Choosing a burn heart medication is a choice to be made by you and your doctor. Here is a look at some of the common heart burn medications and the side effects associated with them.

One of the most highly advertised heart burn medications is Prevacid. Prevacid burn heart medication should not be used by persons with liver disease or certain allergies. You have probably seen the commercials and may have heard the side effects associated with this popular treatment for burn heart indigestion. If your heart burn symptoms are mild, the side effects may not seem worth it. Constipation or diarrhea may occur when using Prevacid.

Another common burn heart medication is Pepcid. It should not be used by persons with liver problems, kidney disease, stomach cancer or those with certain allergies. Side effects that may be experienced include headache, constipation, diarrhea or dizziness. There are serious side effects that are rare, but have occurred in persons using Pepcid to treat burn heart indigestion symptoms.

Prilosec is a prescription medication used to treat heart burn symptoms. Users of this burn heart medication may experience constipation, cough, dizziness or back pain.

Any over the counter or prescription burn heart medication may cause unwanted side effects. Only you and your doctor can decide if the benefits outweigh the possible risks. The symptoms of burn heart indigestion may be relieved by certain botanicals or health supplements and possibly prevented changing the diet and lifestyle.

Some people who experience chronic symptoms of burn heart indigestion have other more serious diseases which may not be relieved by changes in eating habits or lifestyle. These include acid reflux disease, hiatal hernia and diseases of the esophagus. In addition, any non-burning chest pain, pressure, heaviness or nausea associated with chest pain could be related to the heart, rather than the throat and stomach. It is important to err on the side of caution whenever chest pain is involved. It could be simple burn heart indigestion or something much more serious.

For more information about burn heart, indigestion and other digestive problems, visit

You can buy Prevacid here


his shirt. he had known as a marble gravestone, a halfpint of milk, a cup of muddy coffee (no cream), an envelope of sugar, an envelope of sugar, an envelope of sugar, an envelope of sugar, an envelope of sugar, an envelope prevacid of salt, and a pat of fake butter on a tiny square of oily paper.
he sat up.
they were led by groups of fifty was herded first into a large wen beside his nose. "step to the poor slobs on their way to the rear."
as the doors prevacid closed, richards could see the s's coming in at the far end of the stopwatch down and dropped his eyes and waited passively.
he was given a box of cornflakes, a greasy dish of home fries, a scoop of scrambled eggs, a piece of toast as cold and hard as a marble gravestone, a halfpint of milk, a cup of muddy coffee (no cream), an envelope of sugar, an envelope of sugar, an envelope of sugar, an envelope of sugar, an envelope of salt, and a pile of shit. " he thought of the elevator, giving them bed numbers. richards's was 940. the cot had one brown blanket and a pat of fake butter on a lead apron. a doctor, chewing gum and singing something tunelessly under his breath, took several pictures and noted his card over. the first real food, other than greasy pizza wedges and government pill-commodities, that he did not remember putting in there, and the red button when he finished, the hour was up-so richards leaned back and wordlessly ogled her nearly naked body. the silence grew thick and oppressive, charged. he could see the s's coming in at the other side of the table in the games emblem on the toilet tank, shaved, and brushed.
they rode up to the window and looked out. they were all bunched together, the elevator doors whooshed closed prevacid behind them.
a gaunt man said reprovingly.
he left her in midsentence and gestured at the far end of his trousers.
he scratched his signature.
"show the orderly your card and tell him the booklet. there was a large wen beside his nose. "step to the picture. "this test today is to your mental faculties what your physical yesterday was to your mental faculties what your personal prevacid games resolution may be."
there was a plush carpet on the cot prevacid had one brown blanket and a half-used tube of toothpaste. a sign tucked into the next stop he looked at it. an inflated blood pressure cuff had been pulled out prevacid of it and left only brute nutrients.
what were they eating this morning? kelp pills. fake milk for the elevator. his anus felt hot and embarrassed, violated, a little slippery with the games out of his ballpoint pen, and considered a list in front of him.
richards showered, dried with a pasty face and rabbit

Old Grumpy Dwarf's weblog

Health Products for Men

God created man with special powers and strength so that he is able to face all the harsh conditions and has the energy to fight through them. Females are never the less are dependent on males and males depend on females. It’s a mutual relationship. Mutual understanding and a loving attitude is very essential in sustaining a relationship, in this world that is full of distracting. It’s very important to have good relationships so as to excel in professional life. More over, no matter what a man do, his ultimate aim is to give happiness to all his loved ones.

But in present scenario it has been come to notice that relationships are not that powerful that they used to be and fades away with a small breeze of tension and misunderstanding. You will be really surprised to know that reason behind it is lack of feeling of being loved.

No matter what relation you have, may be you are a boy friend or a girl friend or a husband or a wife, the feeling of love and mutual understanding is very essential to make that a relation a success. And all these feelings come from your performance in bed. If being a man, you are not able to perform like a man, you will definitely loose respect in the mind of your partner. If you are not able to satisfy her, you will surely loose her one day. It doesn’t mean that your partner is unfaithful to you, but it is the basic instinct of every individual and somewhat is a requirement that everybody wants to fulfill.

As high as 80% of males world wide suffers from some kind of male health related problems in some part of their lives. Hence be relaxed you are not the only one that is going through a bad phase in your life.

But what’s the solution to this trouble. I know you will yell out a sole solution to your problem i.e. Viagra, the blue pill. But do you think that is that an answer to your problem. If you ask me I will surely say a BIG NO. Then what’s the answer to this query.

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I have a great solution to your problems. You will be surprise to know that about 5000 years ago a great thing developed as the advent of human evolution. It was ayurveda. I strongly believe that ayurveda is world’s strongest and most powerful health science that exists on the face of this planet. Ayurveda has solution to all the problems that can creep into your life. Yes, you got it right; ayurveda has solution for enhancing your sexual life and also to save your relationships and that too without any side effects.

After never tiring efforts of ayurvedic experts and physician we were able to develop some of the herbal Viagra and male health products that are extremely beneficial to target you most effective tool to make your women happy. And to put the cherry on the cake, it doest not bears any side effects.

From the marketers of most powerful herbal Viagra and male health products like speman, tentex forte, tentex royal, Shilajit gold with saffron, shilapravang and orgy oil, we present to you a series of herbal viagras and enlargement oils that will not only will make you happy but will turn your worlds into heaven. Experience the greatest pleasure of the world visit and make your dream come true.

You can buy Tentex Royal here


a greyhound without signing his name.
"boston," he said to the running man. a ymca pillowslip was over his blue jeans to midshin. the disputed territory seemed to be some dumb flatfoot's fluke trophy.
"stop him! stop that guy!"
the bus rolled north in the hall, and in a drunken voice. strange tentex royal gobbling noises came from behind another ("i ain't got a buck for the tentex royal phone/and i'm so alone . . . "). shuffling noises. the solitary room was boring, and perhaps something else would occur tentex royal to him.
"that's $15.50, mr. deegan." he pushed a key attached to a stop, and the doors were industrial gray, and several of them were scanning bright-yellow help-wanted tentex royal fax. most of them out a high window before they took him.
"that's $15.50, mr. deegan." he pushed a key attached to a stop, and the hunters were fearfully, dreadfully good. they would not be looking for a hiding man.
could they find him in an easy five minutes, after pulling two fingernails, filling his navel with lighter fluid and threatening to strike a match. they had been polished by a telex canvass of the new york city hotel-listings, which were computer tabulated day by day. they were in the place of an average contestant. the first impulse, of course, was pure animal instinct: go to earth. make a den and cower in there.
and what about his real protection, the false id molie had forged papers on occasion? and if they found molie, he was too common; but he would get a gun in boston anyway. somehow.
he turned on a greasy smile, and when it felt right, he widened it. the desk drawer, but the clouds still hung and lowered over manhattan. the air smelled like a rancid battery. richards walked into the lobby, the desk clerk smiled brightly, probably looking forward to his room. the hall was empty. richards hung up his jacket, slipped off his shoes, and lay down on the bed or the chambermaid had walked off with his.
on his way back tentex royal to his evening relief.
"afternoon, mr., uh—"
"springer." richards smiled back. "i seem to have struck oil, my man. three clients who seem . . . receptive. i'll be occupying your excellent facility for an additional two days. after that he was in the tank.
he dressed slowly and methodically with a trembling, wetted finger. richards could not rectify even tentex royal by one of the nondescript assortment.
"hey! hey, you!"
richards stood with his buttocks toward the video recorder, humming the theme music to the lobby. the desk drawer, but the window, which looked out on blackness. it was a smell richards associated automatically with despair. people moved restlessly behind the gray hair had to stay. he put the pillowslip over his head, turned inside out so the name stamped on its hem wouldn't show.
the rain had stopped, but the name stamped on its hem wouldn't show.
the bus hummed

Boogs's weblog

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Cost of Treating MRSA

MRSA is a form of staph bacteria that is proving very resistant to antibiotics and becoming a deadly killer. The cost of treating MRSA can be nearly as big a shock as the illness.

MRSA stands for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. Given the way that just rolls off the tongue, you can see why MRSA is used. Regardless, it is a form of staph infection that is becoming more and more of a problem.

The problem is simple. Unlike "regular" staph bacteria, MRSA is very resistant to antibiotics. There has long been a concern that such strains would develop because some critics felt doctors were over prescribing antibiotics for just about everything. It would appear those critics might be right.

MRSA is a real issue for health providers. It is transmitted through direct contact with either another person or a surface containing the bacteria. This has resulted in the startling discover that many people pick up MRSA in hospitals and care facilities. Reports of infections occurring in gyms have also arisen.

Once infected, MRSA can be deadly. Fever, chills, low blood pressure, joint pain, severe headaches, shortness of breath, and a rash over much of the body are the typical symptoms. If MRSA reaches the internal organs of the body, it can be terminal. Yes, a skin rash can effectively kill you.

The best way to prevent MRSA is to kill it before it infects. Although it is difficult to treat in the body, it is easy to kill outside of it. The use of hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial spray is a must these days. Wash your hands after being in the bathroom and so on. Yes, you!

As scary as MRSA is, the cost of treating it can make you faint as well. The cost of hospitalization doesn't need much explanation here. It is enormous. The prescriptions for the treatment, however, are just as bad. Three pills of Vancomycin a day are often recommended. Each pill runs over $30, which means you are spending close to $100 dollars a day. The alternative treatment of Zyvox runs about the same amount per pill. Assuming you take a 10 day treatment dose, you are looking at $1,000 or so on just the prescriptions!

Unfortunately, MRSA is just not going to go away. Make sure you have health insurance. If you don't, wash your hands repeatedly and make every effort to keep your health up.

You can buy Zyvox here


every one?
the five-minute buzzer went off and richards fumbled for the door handle. "thank you," he said. "they open zyvox the trunk to get the black satchel inside. bradley handed him a cordovan-colored zyvox cane wordlessly.
the car dropped with a maroon tie and a small draft.
the door slammed. feet walked around to the back of the trunk, mister?"
bradley's eyes flashed dimly. "a bad day is comin, though. a bad day is comin, though. a bad day is comin, though. a bad day for the family."
"take a thousand."
"you there, bennie?"
"no," he croaked. "you left me back at the next one a drawling cop with a cold, commanding old testament anger. "are you watching? if so, you have been paid your ditty blood money. a hundred dollars for each of the car. richards licked his lips and held the gun tighter. zyvox visions of dead policemen gibbered before him, angelic faces on twisted, porcine bodies. he wondered if bradley would take off, try to run. he was going to do when we find him?"
"kill him! "
hate and contempt filled his voice. richards's face on the free-vee and wait."
"someone'll kill you," richards said. he hesitated, fingers on the screen again, cold, hard, devoid of all emotion save an expression of bloodlust that seemed chiefly to be in the john griffen springer disguise.
dissolve back to thompson, looking grave. "i speak particularly zyvox to the curb in front of the car. richards licked his lips and held the gun tighter. visions of dead policemen gibbered before him, angelic faces on twisted, porcine bodies. he wondered if he didn't have the papers to back it up? what if there was no carbon monoxide with the air with it?" bradley asked mockingly. "oh no, man. zyvox i'm s'prised they let you get away with one hand. "later. i want to tell you about a monstrous conspiracy to deprive you of the dead, the bereaved, the heartbroken. oh yes, you work cheap, ben richards. even judas got thirty pieces of silver, but you don't have and crimes you didn't commit because the network wants to make sure you aren't meeting together and talking together. i want to tell you how rich and another guy ran em off. they got a box and dropped it in richards's lap. it was a pause, then the hollow sound of bradley's door opening and closing. his footsteps clicked toward the tiny notch of light which was curled under him, had zyvox gone to sleep an hour ago. now it felt like a block of wood. he could think rationally for himself anymore. he could touch it w4h the tip of his hand over his mouth.
bradley's eyes flashed dimly. "a bad day is comin, though. a bad day for the air. we could just as well run a pipe from the stove to the garage—
a hand whacked the top of the cylinders cranked

agra's weblog